Ö. C. Yelgel And C. Yelgel, "The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting," In Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies , London: IntechOpen, 2024, pp.1-36.
Yelgel, Ö. C. And Yelgel, C. The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting. 2024. In Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies , IntechOpen, London, 1-36.
Yelgel, Ö. C., & Yelgel, C., (2024). The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting. Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies (pp.1-36), London: IntechOpen.
Yelgel, ÖVGÜ, And CELAL YELGEL. "The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting." In Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies , 1-36. London: IntechOpen, 2024
Yelgel, ÖVGÜ C. And Yelgel, CELAL. "The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting." Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies , IntechOpen, 2024, pp.1-36.
Yelgel, Ö. C. And Yelgel, C. (2024) "The Role of Machine Learning Methods for Renewable Energy Forecasting", Advances in Energy Recovery and Efficiency Technologies . London: IntechOpen.
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