I. DINCER Et Al. , "Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition," In Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment , Newyork: Springer, 2014, pp.293-303.
DINCER, I. Et Al. Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition. 2014. In Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment , Springer, Newyork, 293-303.
DINCER, I., MİDİLLİ, A., & KÜÇÜK, H., (2014). Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition. Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment (pp.293-303), Newyork: Springer.
DINCER, IBRAHIM, ADNAN MİDİLLİ, And HAYDAR KÜÇÜK. "Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition." In Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment , 293-303. Newyork: Springer, 2014
DINCER, IBRAHIM Et Al. "Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition." Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment , Springer, 2014, pp.293-303.
DINCER, I. MİDİLLİ, A. And KÜÇÜK, H. (2014) "Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition", Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment . Newyork: Springer.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={IBRAHIM DINCER Et Al. }, chaptertitle={Exergetic Performance of a Low Bypass Turbofan Engine at Takeoff Condition}, booktitle={ Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment}, publisher={Springer}, city={Newyork},year={2014} }