S. TÜREDİ And T. HACIİMAMOĞLU, "Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?," In Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV , Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing, 2021, pp.141-157.
TÜREDİ, S. And HACIİMAMOĞLU, T. Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?. 2021. In Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV , Peter Lang Publishing, Berlin, 141-157.
TÜREDİ, S., & HACIİMAMOĞLU, T., (2021). Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?. Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV (pp.141-157), Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing.
TÜREDİ, SALİH, And TUNAHAN HACIİMAMOĞLU. "Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?." In Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV , 141-157. Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing, 2021
TÜREDİ, SALİH And HACIİMAMOĞLU, TUNAHAN. "Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?." Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV , Peter Lang Publishing, 2021, pp.141-157.
TÜREDİ, S. And HACIİMAMOĞLU, T. (2021) "Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?", Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV . Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={SALİH TÜREDİ And author ={TUNAHAN HACIİMAMOĞLU}, chaptertitle={Are Corruption and the Shadow Economy Complementary in Low Income Countries?}, booktitle={ Studies on Interdisciplinary Economics and Business - Volume IV}, publisher={Peter Lang Publishing}, city={Berlin},year={2021} }