Yeni nesil DNA dizileme yöntemi (ddRADseq) ile Türkiye endemizm merkezi Fırat-Dicle havzası doğal alabalık türlerinin taksonomik revizyonu

Oral M. (Yürütücü)

TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2022 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Haziran 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2023

Proje Özeti

Protection and sustainability of biodiversity, covering all sorts of variation from genes to ecosystems in the globe, is of prime significance and this would only be realistic with the elimination of taxonomic uncertainties. Genus Salmo distribute almost all regions of Turkey. There is a significant amount of literature regarding morphometric taxonomy of this genus, 14 species have been reported in total. However, traditional genetic markers (mtDNA analysis) have failed to differentiate among species. Reliable and efficient marker technologies are thus needed for genotyping. Emerging next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies offer this potential by generating massive numbers of markers in single reaction. In the present study, restriction based NGS platform involving two enzymes double-digest Restriction Associated DNA sequencing, ddRADseq will be utilized for fast, robust and cost-effective data generation. 


This study will be the first with the facilitated technology and carry out molecular taxonomic revision of trout species, distributes in Anatolia, Euphrates river valley. Hereby, limitations of traditional marker technologies regarding quantity and capacity will be eliminated by identifying large number of genome-wide nuclear markers ensuring substantial genomic coverage. Project is designed for a 12-months framework, consists of heavy bioinformatic analysis. The reference genome of Atlantic salmon (Ssal_v2) and trout (SalTru_v1.1) available in GenBank will be utilized for removal of homolog regions resulting from whole genome duplication of Salmonidae. 


Consequently, identification of trout species distributes in Euphrates river valley of Turkey, where nominated as species diversification hotspot, using cutting edge technologies will aid protection, monitoring and sustainability of natural stocks. Interdisciplinary international collaboration will benefit tacking of global biodiversity issues. Project outcomes are expected to contribute inter(national) literature significantly, to clarify status of co-existing species and to determine the biodiversity of Turkey by identification of potential new species. Publications of project outcomes in SCI journals will open the way towards updated conservation-control regulations.


Considering multidisciplinary research environment these technologies offer, inter(national) technology transfer projects will be submitted so as to transform existing laboratory into a modern state of art facility that enables NGS technologies in the home university will increase competitiveness of Turkey, globally by designing the carrier pathway of project investigator. University of Montpellier is well-established with associated infrastructures in native trout evolution, conservation and high-throughput data analysis. The metrics of supervisor confirms the situation (citations: 1812, H-index: 22, i-index: 43). Subsequently, the present project will open the way thorough resolving complex phylogeny of native trout via diversification and increase in trout aquaculture production in which Turkey is production leader in Europe.