2 nd International Science Symposium ”Science Festival”, Tbilisi, Georgia, 5 - 08 September 2017, vol.2, pp.129
In this study, the copper uptake capacity of the baby clam is determined experimentally by an EDXRF spectrometer. For this purpose,
two different groups were formed. In the first, control and six
different concentrations of Cu (0.12; 0.36; 0.60; 1.21; 3.60; 6mgL-1)
were added to the tanks and called daily treatment groups
(chronic). Changes in the Cu concentration in the soft tissue of clams was measured at the end of five days. It was observed that the amount of Cu in soft tissues was increased with the increased Cu concentration in the experimental groups. In the second experiment,
seawater was fixed to 0.36 mg L-1 (acute) Cu level and Cu
concentration was observed in the soft tissue of the mussels daily (5
days). As a result, it has been determined that the baby clam is a
useful bioindicator organism for monitoring metal pollution in the marine environment.
Keywords: Baby clam (Chamelea gallina), Copper, EDXRF,
Acute, Chronic