10th International Conference on Swimming Pool & Spa, 19 Şubat 2023
Chlorination is the most common method for disinfection of pool water in Turkey.
Despite the chlorination of swimming pools ensuring microbial safety to prevent water-borne
diseases, a reaction between organic compounds, dissolved ions, and chlorine forms the toxic
disinfection by-products (DBPs). Indoor swimming pools are abundant environments due to
continuous disinfection and input of precursors from swimmers. Trihalomethanes (THM)
and haloacetic acids (HAA) are the most abundant DBPs in swimming pools. In this study
relation between pool water quality parameters and DBPs concentrations were investigated
with a year-wise monitoring campaign in two indoor swimming pools (SP-A and SP-B).
Before the monitoring campaign, both pools were cleaned and refilled with individual
operating procedures. While SP-A was refilled with a chlorinated drinking water distribution
system, SP-B was refilled directly with groundwater. THM, HAA, and Haloacetonitriles
(HAN) were the targeted DBPs. Free chlorine, UV254 absorbance, Dissolved Organic
Nitrogen (DON), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), and Adsorbable Organic Halides (AOX)
concentrations were weekly analyzed during year wise monitoring campaign. While the
average pool water THM and HAA levels were determined to be 20.6 μg/L and 55 μg/L in
SP-A, respectively, those were 69.6 μg/L and 385 μg/L in SP-B. HAN were relatively lower
than the THM and HAA in both SP-A and SP-B might be due to the rapid degradation and
low formation at pH>7. While the maximum HAN concentration was determined to be 2
μg/L, the average level was 2.90 μg/L in SP-B. Simple linear regression (SLR) analysis
shows the co-occurrence of THM, HAA, and HAN were significant (r2
=0.63-0.77, p<0.01).
THM, HAA, and HAN concentrations were determined to be strongly related to DOC, DON,
and AOX levels. Also, SUVA254 was related to THM and HAA concentrations, while not
related to HAN. SLR models might be used to estimate DBP levels in sample pools without
the need for a complicated sample preparation process, chromatography analysis, and
expensive analytical instruments.