ICEARC23, Trabzon, Türkiye, 12 - 14 Kasım 2023, cilt.1, ss.580-586
Purpose: It is conducted a dam break-based flood propagation analysis on a residential
area located in Trabzon, Türkiye.
design/methodology/approach: a 2D- dam break numerical
analysis is carried out. St. Venant Equations is derived by a four-point
implicit finite difference scheme. Diffusive model is represented to act a flow
propagation on a dry riverbed. Flow hydrograph passing through the dam axis
calculated by using a Froehlich 1995 analytic model is routed along the
Findings: Results predict that flood depths can reach up to 8 meters on the residentials
area after 32 minutes from a sudden dam break. The average flood velocity on
the line in the central area were 7.45 meter per second. Flood wave arrived to earth
crops office(ECO) on the west and a fishery harbor on the east maximum. There
is no influential flow on mall of the central area.
Originality/value: Diffusive wave analysis is combined with a manually produced flow
hydrograph on a dam axis. 2D propagation on a residential area investigated by
exact probes which describe the flow properties. The effect of local and convective
acceleration terms is neglected since to investigate of inertia forces.