Experimental challenges in the measurement of double charge exchange reactions within the NUMEN project

Carbone D., Cappuzzello F., Agodi C., Cavallaro M., Acosta L., Bonanno D., ...More

41st Symposium on Nuclear Physics (Cocoyoc), Cocoyoc, Mexico, 8 - 11 January 2018, vol.1078 identifier identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 1078
  • Doi Number: 10.1088/1742-6596/1078/1/012008
  • City: Cocoyoc
  • Country: Mexico
  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Affiliated: Yes


The NUMEN project proposes to measure the absolute cross sections of heavy-ion induced Double Charge Exchange (DCE) reactions with the final goal to get information on the nuclear matrix elements involved in the neutrinoless double beta (0v beta beta) decay. The knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements is crucial to infer the neutrino average masses from the possible measurement of the half-life of 0v beta beta decay and also to compare experiments on different isotopes. DCE reactions and 0v beta beta decay present some similarities, the initial and final-state wave functions are the same and the transition operators are similar. Many challenges have to be faced for the experimental measurements of DCE reactions induced by heavy ions, since they are characterized by very low cross sections.