Hydatid cyst and tuberculosis are common infectious diseases in our country. However, co-incidence of these two diseases is a rare case. This refers to spontaneous emergence of cyst hydatid and tuberculosis lesion in liver which is presented in this paper. Liver tuberculosis can be detected either as a component of miliary tuberculosis or isolated liver tuberculosis. Herein we report a case of 46 year-old male. He applied to the emergency due to the severe right-side pain which coupled with breathing and movement. This was reported to last for 10 days. Lesion compatible to cyst hydatid with a size of 151 x 144 x 128 mm was detected in the right lobe anterior in his abdomen ultrasonography. Echinococcus indirect hemagglutination test resulted in 1/640 positive. The patient had liver cystectomy by general surgery clinic. After microscopic examination of excision material, chronic granulomatous inflamation with caseous necrosis was detected in parenchyma to which cyst hydatid and lesion were attached. PPD result was 16 mm. The patient, whose lungs were normal, received antituberculosis treatment due to primary liver tuberculosis.