The aim of the present study is determination of heavy metals in honey samples with different botanic origin produced by Kosovo farmers and as well as the comparison of gathered results with the specific environmental conditions, with particular emphasis on industrial and agricultural areas where the concentration of heavy metals is expected to be higher than at forester areas. Concentrations of thirty-four heavy metals were investigated in 30 different honey samples but are reported only the most important elements. For this reason, Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) techniques was used. All metals were detected in 78.49% of the honey samples. Values of pH for tested honey samples show that they are all acidic, with range of pH values from 3.41 to 4.97, with mean value of pH 4.07 +/- 0.33. The most abundant element in investigated honey was Mg (44.831 mg kg(-1)), followed by Al (12.013 mg kg-(1)), Fe (8.859 mg kg(-1)), Zn (4.814 mg kg(-1)), Mn (3.378 mg kg(-1)), Cr (2.472 mg kg(-1)), Se (1.599 mg kg(-1)) and Cu (1.105 mg kg(-1)), the mean of others elements was less than 1 mg kg(-1) (Co, Ni, As, U and Cd). In neither of the analysed samples has not been found the presence of any of the lead isotopes: 206, 207 or 208. In general, the heavy metal concentrations in investigated honey samples collected in regions of Kosovo generally fit international standards but the concentration of heavy metals in honey samples is strongly dependent on the environmental conditions.