A Qualitative Assessment on 'My School Rize Project'

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Küçük A., Yıldırım N.

Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, vol.16, no.3, pp.89-113, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


The use of out-of-classroom and/or school teaching environments has become increasingly important

in recent years and is included in the 2023 educational vision document of the Turkish Ministry of

National Education. Within the scope of this new vision of the document, provincial directorates of

national education have started to plan various activities aiming at bringing teachers out of classes

and/or especially schools. One of them is the "My School is Rize Project". In the scope of this project;

a guide teaching material was prepared for the matching of course acquisitions with various out-ofschool

settings in Rize province with the participation of one representative teacher from all branches

from pre-schools to high schools. The first researcher was one of the participants of this project. This

study aimed to present the views of the teachers who had worked on the preparation period of this

material. Based on the qualitative paradigm, the data were collected through semi-structured

interviews from the twenty teachers at the end of the project. The data obtained from each question

were subjected to descriptive analysis after being transcribed. The results were interpreted in line with

the codes and categories that emerged from the analysis. In line with the critical results of the study,

some suggestions were made to various stakeholders such as national education directorates, teachers,

and also researchers to use out-of-classroom and/or school teaching environments.