XVII SOLANACEAE2022 International Conference on the Plant Family of Solanaceae, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1 - 05 November 2022, pp.35-36
Tens of thousands tomato accessions are conserved in genebanks all over the world,
constituting a valuable source of genes of interest for tomato breeding. Genetic
characterization of such large collections can improve their management. The G2P-SOL
project has carried out the largest-scale tomato genotyping to date, by designing a 5k
probe Single Primer Enrichment (SPET) tomato platform, and used it to genotype a
collection of over 15,000 accessions from worldwide genebanks. Besides wild species,
the main genetic groups found were: wild S. lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (SLC) from
Meso- and Southamerica, early vintage cultivated tomatoes, that genetically are closer to
SLC than to the bulk of S. lycopersicum var. lycopersicum (SLL), vintage tomatoes,
mainly from Spain, early improved materials with no introgressions, and more recent
materials that do include wild species introgressions. The structure of the early vintage accessions mirrored the early history of the cultivated tomatoes. They were widely spread
across Meso- and South America, probably because they were the cultivated tomatoes in
those regions before the Spanish arrival. Interestingly, they were also found in other
geographic regions controlled or influenced by the Spaniards during the between XVII,
and XVIII centuries, such as the western Pacific (mainly the Philippines) and the
Mediterranean. History has left many marks in the tomato genomes. For instance, the
Italian San Marzano is genetically closer to a population of ovoid brasilian early breeds
that genetically are better characterized as SLC than to most European vintage tomatoes,
that are SLL.