4. Uluslararası Çankaya Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi, Ankara, Türkiye, 7 - 09 Eylül 2024, ss.404-413
Today, maritime transportation is
the most widely used and competitive type of transportation globally, as it is
the most reliable and economical (lowest cost) type of transportation. Maritime
transportation is essential to international trade in our country and the
world. In 2023, 12.4 billion tons, or 86 %, of the 14.3 billion tons of cargo
transported in the world was transported by sea. Turkey's total export and
import transportation by sea in 2023 is 135.510.681 and 256.206.627 million
tons, respectively. Our cabotage line transportation is 62.627.093 tons.
Russia, Italy, the USA, Israel, Algeria and China are the leading countries in
Turkey's maritime trade. With the development of maritime transportation and
its increasing importance in the national economy, ports and logistics centres
have undoubtedly developed and gained more importance. Between 2013 and 2021,
20.015.536 tons of cargo were transported from our 11 logistics centres. Ports,
one of the most fundamental elements of maritime transportation, are places
where ships are accommodated, loaded, unloaded, and carry out other activities.
Ports are indispensable infrastructures for a country to fulfil its logistics
services and international trade. Rize, which has a strategically important
geographical location in terms of Turkey, is an important coastal city located
in the east of the Black Sea Region of our country, neighbouring Artvin in the
east, Trabzon in the west, Erzurum and Bayburt in the south. Rize Port
(Riport), one of Turkey's principal Black Sea ports, is a critical import and
export port. A total of 498.534 cargo was handled at Rize Port in 2023. Of this
amount, 70.700 tons were exported, 100.397 tons were imported, and 322.437 tons
were transported on the cabotage line. Rize port is currently operating at 7%
capacity. It is evident that the "İyidere Logistics Centre", which is
under construction and planned to have an annual capacity of 13 million tons,
will make a significant contribution to the transportation from both Rize port
and Hopa and Trabzon ports and will accelerate the development of the region.
Keywords: Rize port, trade,
Iyidere logistics centre (Port), Maritime trade, Middle corridor (Silk Road),
Lapis lazuli corridor