Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, no.-, pp.1-15, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
This study aims to determine the perceptions of pre-service teachers regarding the concept of a “digitally competent teacher” through metaphors. The
participants consist of 510 pre-service teachers. According to the findings,
metaphors for a digitally competent teacher were classified under three
themes: digital competence, pedagogical competence, and personal characteristics. Pre-service teachers describe a digitally competent teacher as
an individual who has digital competences such as information and data
literacy, communication, safety, problem-solving, and productivity; have
pedagogical competences such as empowering learners, guiding their students, being the source and transmitter of information, and facilitating
learning; have personal characteristics such as being open to change and
development, equipped, versatility, valuable, using technology effectively,
creative, innovative, and querent. It is predicted that the use of metaphors
in the process of training a digitally competent teacher may be effective
in correcting the misconceptions of pre-service teachers regarding the
concept of a digitally competent teacher and determining the roadmap
for their personal and professional development.