BELGIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, vol.139, no.1, pp.124-130, 2006 (SCI-Expanded)
We investigated the phytosociological structure of the Quercus pontica-Betula medwediewii community in the Artvin province in northeastern Anatolia (Turkey). The Querco ponticii-Betuletum medwediewii association was scattered at an altitude of 1300-1700 in on south, west, southwest, southeast and northwest facing slopes. The Geranio-Pinion alliance was characterized by Hypericum bithynicum. The main components of the Pino-Piceetalia orientalis were Picea orientalis and Abies nordmanniana subsp. nordmanniana. The components of the Geranio-Pinion alliance and the Pino-Piceetalia orientalis order were well represented in this association and should be considered within those syntaxa units. Northeastern Anatolia has a unique flora and is a relictual refuge for many plant species that are remnants of the ancient Mediterranean flora. Ten endemic taxa were found in the study area. According to a CCA ordination, pH and clay content are the most significant soil parameters determining community composition.