An evaluation of traumatic deaths associated with animal attacks: A 10-year autopsy study

Ketenci H. Ç., Boz H., KIRCI G. S., ÖZER E., BEYHUN N. E., Buyuk Y.

ULUSAL TRAVMA VE ACIL CERRAHI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & EMERGENCY SURGERY, vol.28, no.3, pp.254-261, 2022 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier identifier identifier


BACKGROUND: Just as throughout the world in general, deaths related to animal attacks continue to be a public health problem in Turkey. A decrease in areas of natural habitat because of human invasion, and the use of these areas for hunting, wood-cutting, recreational and sporting activities has increased the possibility of humans encountering wild animals. METHODS: A physical retrospective screening was made of the forensic records of a total of 8944 autopsy cases in the Forensic Medicine Institute of the Trabzon Group Directorate in the 10-year period between Januarry 2007 and December 2016. RESULTS: When the types of animals causing the traumatic death were examined, the most frequent was cattle in 15 cases followed by horses in 7 cases, bears in 4 cases, wolves in 2 cases, and wild boars in 2 cases. According to the autopsy results, the cause of death was most often intrathoracic bleeding and intrathoracic organ damage, the regions of the body injured were seen to be most often the chest and back, and the most common form of injury was blunt/crush trauma. CONCLUSION: From these records, cases were identified where the cause of death was traumatic animal attack, and examination was made of the sociodemographic characteristics, the type of animal that caused the injuries, information about the location of the incident, witness statements, information about the healthcare centre, findings of external examination and autopsy, and the cause.