Examination of In-Service Training for Measurement and Evaluation Provided to Teachers

Akıncı M., Kurt A., Köse E.

Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi (EPOK), İzmir, Turkey, 4 - 06 November 2021

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Unpublished
  • City: İzmir
  • Country: Turkey
  • Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Affiliated: Yes



This study aims to examine and evaluate the in-service training for measurement and evaluation presented to teachers online. In-service training is defined as vocational training offered to employees in the public or private sector (Taymaz, 1978). The rapid change in all areas of life and the fact that the information obtained before the service cannot be kept up to date for many years reveals the need to provide in-service training to the employees of various institutions (Kale, 2015). According to Taymaz (1992), the types of in-service training are as follows:

·       Orientation Training

·       Basic Training

·       Development Training

·       Completion Training

·       Advance Training

·       Professional Training

For the purposes stated above, in-service training is also offered to teachers in different contexts from time to time. In-service training of teachers in Turkey is carried out by the Ministry of National Education under the General Directorate of Teacher Training and Development (OYGM, 2018). Among the General Competencies of Teaching Profession determined by this institution, measurement-evaluation is expressed as one of the basic teacher qualifications (MEB, 2017).

Measurement is defined as determining the size of any quantity with a measuring tool or appraising any property of an object (Morrow Jr, Jackson, Disch, & Mood, 2000; Scriven, 1981). On the other hand, evaluation is expressed as the decision-making process about the measured feature based on the measurement results (Atılgan, 2018; Turgut & Baykul, 2012). Science and technology give the opportunity to develop and update measurement tools and evaluation understanding. In this respect, it would not be wrong to say that measurement and evaluation is an area open to development. This situation also draws attention to the importance of in-service training on measurement and evaluation given to teachers. It was considered important to evaluate these in-service training conducted online, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, it was considered important to evaluate these in-service trainings conducted online, especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


A case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. The purpose of the qualitative case study design used in the research is to collect in-depth information about a program, event, activity, process, or person (Creswell, 2009). In this context, the in-service training provided to teachers on measurement and evaluation was handled as a single case. In this respect, the research design used was considered as a singular case study design. The type of case study that deals with a situation is expressed as a singular case study (Stake, 2005). The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 16 teachers and 8 school administrators determined by criterion sampling and observation of 5-days online in-service training. Expert opinion, participant confirmation, and consistency between coders were taken into consideration to ensure the validity and reliability of the research data. Content analysis was used to analyze collected data.


According to the research findings, teachers and school administrators consider themselves moderately competent in measurement and evaluation. On the other hand, school administrators consider themselves more competent in measurement and evaluation compared to teachers. While teachers do not consider in-service training among the factors affecting their measurement and evaluation competencies, according to school administrators, in-service training is one of the factors that most affect their measurement and evaluation competencies. In addition, most of the interviewed teachers stated that they do not participate in the in-service training as they believe the in-service training on measurement and evaluation is unsuccessful. On the contrary, school administrators stated that they follow the in-service training to a large extent and found the in-service training on measurement and evaluation useful. Moreover, some interviewees believe that the information they learned during in-service training has no equivalent in the exam-oriented education system. In addition, teachers and school administrators believe that the MoNE should take various steps to plan the in-service training correctly and to carry out the applied training processes effectively. This situation was also noted in the observations made. During the Covid-19 pandemic period, it has been observed that there are problems in the practices of various measurement tools, questions, and item writing in online in-service training. Contrary to the efforts of the instructors who carry out the courses, teachers are mostly passive listeners in applied courses. In addition, it is very difficult to present the determined content effectively within the planned time frame. This situation confirms the opinions that in-service training is not planned effectively in the interviews. In the study, various suggestions were presented that are thought to increase the effectiveness of in-service training presented to teachers on measurement and evaluation.

Keywords: measurement, evaluation, in-service training, teacher training, program evaluation.


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