10. International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium, Rize, Turkey, 16 - 18 May 2016, pp.387-396
Over the last decade the interest on the virtual environments is mainly focused on educational use of them. Geography Island is a learning environment designed on OpenSim 3-D platform for high school students in grade 9. Content of the island is determined according to Turkish Ministry of Education Head Council of Education and Morality Geography Curriculum. It is composed of 9 sections: 1 entrance area, 4 learning centers and 4 social places. The objective of this island is providing a learning environment to the users where they can study Geography related content. This design report is aimed to describe this specific learning environment with regard to these constructs in great detail. In accordance with this purpose, these constructs are discussed in the instruction part of the report. In the sequel, description and instructional elements of this environment based on these constructs are presented.