ZOOKEYS, no.276, pp.85-102, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Alburnoides manyasensis, sp. n., is described from the Koca Stream (Lake Manyas drainage, Marmara Sea basin) in Anatolia. It is distinguished from all species of Alburnoides in Turkey and adjacent regions, Alburnoides tzanevi (Rezovska [Rezve], Istranca and Terkos streams in the western Black Sea drainage), Alburnoides cf. smyrnae (Banaz Stream, a drainage of Büyük Menderes River, Aegean Sea basin), Albur- noides fasciatus (streams and rivers in the eastern Black Sea drainage) and Alburnoides eichwaldii (Kura and Aras rivers [a drainage of Kura River], Caspian Sea basin) by a combination of the following characters (none unique to the species): marked hump at nape, especially in specimens larger than 60 mm SL; partly developed ventral keel between pelvic fin and anal fin, scaleless 1/2 to 2/3 its length; body depth at dorsal- fin origin 29−32% SL; caudal peduncle depth 11−12% SL; 45–52+ 2–3 lateral-line scales; 9–12 scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 4–5 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin, 101⁄2–121⁄2 branched anal-fin rays; 40–42 total vertebrae.