in: Theory and practice in sustainable planning and design, Murat Özyavuz, Editor, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., Berlin, pp.545-556, 2020
Abstract “Sustainable Campus – Green Campus,” which aims to create campuses that are environmentally conscious all around the world and in our country, uses energy saving methods, provides better service to all academicians, university students, graduates, especially the country’s economy and nature, and contributes to sustainable development by creating environmental awareness. Applications are spreading rapidly. Sustainable campuses both connect education, training, research, and corporate management units functionally and ensure the development of new techniques and technologies with the concept of sustainability by reducing energy consumption and emissions, and improving material and waste management. In this way, sustainable campuses play a pioneering role in the sustainability theme of the current and future generations in lifestyle concepts and welfare practices. Global, national, and institutional steps have been taken to reach the sustainable campus. This chapter involves a summary of the importance of these steps, gives information about sustainable campus practices, and finally offers sustainable campus suggestions for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University.