COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM, vol.35, no.4, pp.1119-1124, 2011 (SSCI)
We evaluated the asymmetric hand measurements in right- and left-handed individuals. 343 men and 290 women aged 18-42 years (22.11 +/- 2.07) participated in the study. There were no statistically significant differences when right left differences in hand length, third finger length, pal mar length, and the digit index value were evaluated according to hand preference and sex. Statistically significant differences were found for right left differences in hand width, hand-shape index, and the pal mar length/width according to hand preference. The strong left-handers, weak left-handers, and ambidextrous individuals in the study group all exhibited asymmetry favoring the left and were considered together. Similarly, the strong and weak right-handers exhibited asymmetry favoring the right hand and were considered together. The difference between these two groups was significant. When the data were evaluated according to sex, significant differences were found between the subgroups. In particular, right left differences in the hand-shape index and palmar length/width values of the strong left-handers, weak left-handers, and ambidextrous individuals were found to be statistically significant according to sex; in contrast, the strong and weak right-handers showed no significant differences according to sex. These results suggest a relation of hand asymmetry to hand preference in a Turkish population.