2023 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference, ASYU 2023, Sivas, Turkey, 11 - 13 October 2023
Quantum Computing (QC) is an emerging paradigm offering fundamentally a new and more effective way of computation based on the properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition, entanglement, and quantum parallelism. The intersection of QC and Machine Learning (ML) fields has given rise to a new research area, Quantum Machine Learning (QML). With the computational power of quantum computers, it proposes using quantum computers to process classical data for learning. Therefore, QML can be an efficient means of classification for computationally intensive tasks. In this paper, we perform an experimental binary classification task with our three qubit Ansatz/Variational Quantum Circuit (VQC). The dataset used in this study, Maternal Health Risk Data Set (MHRD), is publicly available and collected from different hospitals and clinics by means of Internet of Things (IoT) systems. We use amplitude embedding to encode feature vector to the state of qubits after preprocessing and normalization of the data. The operations of cost value calculation and parameter tuning are carried out in a classical way. We have tested our proposal with PennyLane library, and the experimental results show that the proposed VQC classifies the data with 92% accuracy.