GÜNCEL GELİŞMELER PERSPEKTİFİNDE TÜRKİYE’DE YEREL YÖNETİMLER, Mustafa KARA,İbrahim Tanju AKYOL,Nahit BEK, Editör, Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa, ss.75-103, 2021
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türk idare teşkilatı içerisinde önemli bir yer edinmeye
başlayan yerel yönetim birliklerini incelemektir. Küreselleşme ile birlikte ulusal ve
uluslararası alanda işbirlikleri artmıştır. Bunun başlıca sebebi işbirliğine giren örgütlerin çalışmalarında verimliliği arttırma düşüncesidir. Yerel yönetimler de hizmet sunumunda verimliliği ön planda tutması gereken örgütler olduğundan, ulusal
ve uluslararası kuruluşlar ile işbirliği çalışmalarına ağırlık vermişlerdir. İhtiyaçların
çeşitlenmesi, küreselleşme, tüketim toplumuna geçiş gibi nedenler ile kentler de
değişim sürecine girmiş olup, dünya kentleri küresel kapitalist ilişkiler çevresinde
dönüştürülmeye başlanmıştır. Bununla birlikte siyaset ulus devletlerin üstünde bir
alana taşınmış, böylece bölgesel ve uluslararası örgütlere ihtiyaç artmıştır. Daha
önce ulus devletlerin arasında yaşanan etkileşimlerin çoğu, günümüzde artık kentler arasında yaşanmaktadır. Bu noktada kentler arasında iş birlikleri kaçınılmaz bir
hal almıştır. Yerel yönetimler kentlerde bölge bazında söz sahibi oldukları için bu
yarışta yerel yönetimlerin ulusal ve uluslararası arası alanda işbirliği daha da önem
Local governments, as the closest units to the public in their service areas,
are the institutions responsible for fulfilling the unlimited wishes of their
compatriots. It is demanded that the service provided to the citizens be flawless,
but the municipalities cannot keep up with all areas, thus reducing efficiency.
Considering that competition and cooperation have become important for local
government units; local government unions have taken their place among the
important institutions in order to increase both the quality and diversity of the
service offered to the citizens and the efficiency. While preparing this study, literature review and document review method
from qualitative research methods were used. Local government unions are one of the areas where solidarity between
municipalities takes place. Local government unions established with the
understanding that unity is stronger; It mediates the emergence of knowledge and
experience opportunities among its members, and provides consultancy to
municipalities at the point of producing solutions to common problems
encountered with a culture of solidarity. It also helps municipalities to direct them
to the right partner in sister city relations and thus to develop sustainable sister city
relations. As a result of globalization, as a reflection of the interaction between
countries, international relations have started to develop between cities and the
areas of cooperation that can be made in this sense have also developed. Local
partnerships and collaborations established between local government units
between countries have added new meanings to the international dimension of
municipalities. Motivating reasons such as the effort to become a global city, their
attempts to search for partners in resource use and finding, and their desire to take
part in global competition have led municipalities to cooperate. The most
common of these collaborations are local government unions and sister city relations, which have a long history but have increased in importance in the last
fifty years.
Cities have also entered the process of change due to reasons such as
diversification of needs, globalization, and the transition to a consumer society,
and world cities have begun to be transformed around global capitalist relations.
However, politics has been moved to an area above the nation-states, so the need
for regional and international organizations has increased. Most of the interactions
that were experienced between nation states in the past are now experienced
between cities. Changes are being experienced in areas such as the forms of
delivery of city services, city management systems, spatial structures of cities, urban identities and consumption habits. In this process, even the urban space has
been commodified, and a race has begun between cities to attract international
capital to cities. At this point, cooperation has become inevitable. Since local
governments have a say in cities on a regional basis, the cooperation of local
governments in the national and international arena gains even more importance
in this race.