3rd International Congress on Plant Biology, Rize, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Eylül 2022, ss.142
In the village of Meydan, which is within the borders of Kaçkar Mountains National Park, there
was a pure boxwood stand (Buxus sempervirens) in a forest area of 1.5-2.0 hectares. There were many
monumental boxwood trees in the area with a trunk diameter of 60 cm and a height of 5-6 meters. In
the last twelve years, it has been observed that boxwood trees in the Hemşin region, as in the whole
country, have dried up due to the fungal (boxwood blight) disease caused by Cylindrocladium
buxicola. There is no specially labeled fungicide (drug) for the control of the Cylindrocladium. In order
to prevent or delay the drying of the boxwood trees in the location since 2019; light traps against the
boxwood moth (Cydalima perspectalis) pest, and biological control against boxwood blight disease by
using Trichoderma spp. are implemented. In our study, three different Trichoderma strains (T.
harzianum, T. lixii and T. atroviridea) were used for biological control. The strains were mass cultured
at 28°C for 15-20 days in both commercially (PDA) supplied and compost prepared medium in the
laboratory environment. Trichoderma strains spores were harvested by washing with sterile
physiological water. Then the spores of the three strains were mixed at a ratio of 1:1 and diluted with
distilled water to contain 1X108 spores. It was sprayed on the trunk and roots of all trees containing
life water. The application was carried out three times a year (May, July, and October) during the years
2019-2022. As a result, the burns on the leaves of the boxwood decreased, the boxworm pest was
eliminated, the natural flora under the forest was formed, the remaining boxwood did not dry out, even
various visually visible damages on the stem tissue were healed. It was observed that the moss on the
trunk of the boxwood decreased, the branches gave fresh shoots, the leaf color became darker, and
seeds were formed on the branches (07.2022) for the first time after 10 years. During this biocontrol
application period, no live boxwood trees remained in other areas (100-1300 m) where Trichoderma
was not applied. Trichoderma spp. mixtures have been determined to be an important biocontrol agent
against to boxwood fungal disease.
Keywords: Boxwood, Trichoderma, Cylindrocladium, biocontrol agents.