5th International Cherry Symposium, Bursa, Turkey, 6 - 10 June 2005, pp.811-813
Fruits of '0900 Ziraat' sweet cherry were stored, after precooling (no precooling, precooling with air, precooling with water) in different package materials. Packaged cherry fruit were stored in 0 to 1 degrees C and 90 to 95% RH. Precooling with water cooled 13 times faster compared with precooling with air. Total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable (TA) acidity were reduced during cold storage, and precooling reduced physiological disorders and fungal rots. Precooling applications reduced crop and quality losses. '0900 Ziraat' showed good storage performance for 3 or 4 weeks. Although flavour and quality of fruit started to decrease by the 3(rd) week, they were of acceptable quality for sale in the 4(th) week. The skin color and stem darkened by the end of storage period.