RSC ADVANCES, cilt.6, sa.87, ss.83783-83801, 2016 (SCI-Expanded)
A large surface area, scalable porosity, and versatility have made nanofibres one of the most widely investigated morphologies among the nanomaterials. The characteristic properties of nanofibres have made them useful in a broad range of applications, such as filters, membranes, tissue engineering, wound dressings, protective clothing, reinforcement in composite materials, and sensors. So far, various top-down and bottom-up approaches were proposed to produce nanofibres. In this paper, a comprehensive review is presented on non-electro fiber spinning techniques, along with their mechanisms. The parameters of these techniques are also discussed in detail, while process-specific gains were emphasized according to the end uses. This review paper also provides a literature insight into the biomedical, filtration, optical, and energy applications of nanofibres produced via the most typical and widely used methods.