International Tea Congress "Industrial, Cultural and Economic Dimensions", Lankaran, Azerbaijan, 13 - 15 May 2022, pp.194-195
The aim of this study is to determine the levels of
natural and artificial radioactivity in the soil of the tea plantations in
Hemşin, Pazar and Central stations in Rize, Turkey, and in the fertilizer
samples (one organic and two chemical fertilizers) purchased to be thrown into
these tea fields. Radioactivity levels in soil and fertilizer samples were
determined using a High Purity Germanium detector (HPGe). Average 226Ra,
232Th, 137Cs and 40K activities in 9 soil
samples taken in total, 3 from each station were found as 6.44±1.29
Bq/kg, 5.39±0.69 Bq/kg, 287.44±2.31 Bq/kg and 229.72±8.16 Bq/kg for Hemşin
station, 7.04±1.02 Bq/kg, 5.60±0.74 Bq/kg, 148.15±1.75 Bq/kg and 133.61±6.35
Bq/kg for Pazar station and 11.45±1.03 Bq/kg, 9.77±0.81 Bq/kg, 106.20±1.48
Bq/kg and 190.64±7.30 Bq/kg for Centre station, respectively. Average 226Ra,
232Th, 137Cs and 40K activities in the organic
fertilizer were found as 21.23±1.47 Bq/kg, 16.18±1.76 Bq/kg,
0.32±0.30 Bq/kg and 123.01±5.56 Bq/kg, respectively.nAverage 226Ra, 232Th,
137Cs and 40K activities in the chemical fertilizers were
found as 47±0.72 Bq/kg, 2.16±0.87 Bq/kg, 0.92±0.43 Bq/kg and
1623.65±19.86 Bq/kg for brand A and 3.62±0.73 Bq/kg, 5.04±0.89 Bq/kg, 0.93±0.40
Bq/kg ve 1572.76±20.37 for brand B, respectively. In addition, to evaluate radiological hazards,
radium equivalent activity (Raeq), external hazard index (Hex),
absorbed dose rate (D), annual effective dose equivalent and lifetime cancer
risk values were calculated and these values were compared with the limit
values recommended by international organizations.