International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences FABA 2021, İzmir, Turkey, 7 - 08 September 2021, pp.76
Today, the importance of a healthy and balanced diet is increasing. With the awareness of
consumers, more attention is paid to food selection and the orientation to healthy foods
increases even more. Aquaculture is one of the most important foods in terms of human health
and balanced nutrition. The balanced nutritional content, especially the fact that it contains
essential amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, makes aquaculture valuable. However, against
all these positive characteristics, seafood consumption in our country has lagged behind the
world average. The average consumption of fish per capita in the world is 16 kg, in the
European Union this number is 22 kg and in Turkey it is 6.1 kg. Some studies are being
carried out to increase the fish consumption rate in our country. It is thought that the per
capita fish consumption rate in our country can be increased thanks to the new food products
produced by preparing the contents of the dishes, which are preferred in consumption or are
highly appreciated locally. In this study, a new variety of ravioli, which is one of the most
admired dishes in our country, was made with anchovies content. The physical quality
characteristics of Turkish ravioli with anchovy were determined.
Average pH, water activity (aw), dry matter, L (brightness), a (red-green), b (yellow-blue) values
of cooked Turkish ravioli with anchovy were calculated. These values were calculated as
5.61±0.02, 0.9710±0.01, 44.15±0.37, 28.01±3.26, 6.31±1.84, 21.83±2.42, respectively. In the
sensory test, it was determined that 93.33% of the participants could buy Turkish ravioli with