urrentApproachesandTrendsinTourism Science, İrfan Yazıcıoğlu,Alper Işın,Özgür Yayla, Editör, SRA Academic Publishing, Klaipeda, ss.487-502, 2023
Today, the volume of business in the tourism sector equals orexceeds that of the oil, food and automotive sectors. The tourismsector is a major source of income, especially in developingcountries. In developed countries, it is considered an importantsource of employment and income (UNWTO, 2021). Before 2019,travel and tourism accounted for a quarter of all new jobsworldwide, 10.6 per cent of all jobs (334 million) and 10.4 per centof global GDP ($9.2 trillion). However, international visitorspending will total $1.7 trillion in 2019. This figure represents 6.8per cent of total global exports and 27.4 per cent of global servicesexports (WTTC, 2021). Similarly, in terms of tourism movementsaround the world, while 400 million people participated ininternational tourism movements in 1990, this figure reached1.446 billion visitors in 2019 (UNWTO, 2021). Operational andmanagerial activities in the tourism sector, which is important forboth underdeveloped and developing countries as well asdeveloped countries, have tended to be reshaped under theinfluence of rapidly developing information and communicationtechnologies (Çuhadar et al., 2022)
Today, the volume of business in the tourism sector equals or exceeds that of the oil, food and automotive sectors. The tourism sector is a major source of income, especially in developing countries. In developed countries, it is considered an important source of employment and income (UNWTO, 2021). Before 2019, travel and tourism accounted for a quarter of all new jobs worldwide, 10.6 per cent of all jobs (334 million) and 10.4 per cent of global GDP ($9.2 trillion). However, international visitor spending will total $1.7 trillion in 2019. This figure represents 6.8 per cent of total global exports and 27.4 per cent of global services exports (WTTC, 2021). Similarly, in terms of tourism movements around the world, while 400 million people participated in international tourism movements in 1990, this figure reached 1.446 billion visitors in 2019 (UNWTO, 2021). Operational and managerial activities in the tourism sector, which is important for both underdeveloped and developing countries as well as developed countries, have tended to be reshaped under the influence of rapidly developing information and communication technologies (Çuhadar et al., 2022).