This study determined spermatologic characteristics of semen from Salmo coruhensis and analyzed an extender for its short-term storage. Sperm was collected from 15 males in the spawning season by abdominal massage. Volume, motility, duration of motility, density, spermatocrit, and pH of the sperm were determined, as well as the correlation between these characteristics and mean body weight and total length. The sperm volume was 1.6 +/- 0.64 ml, motility was 90 +/- 5.17%, duration of motility was 129.5 +/- 38.78 s, density was 13.0 +/- 4.93 x 10(9)/ml, spermatocrit was 41.5 +/- 6.63, and pH was 7.4 +/- 0.16. Percent motile sperm negatively correlated with fish weight and total length and positively correlated with motility duration (p<0.05). Sperm stored in an extender containing glucose remained motile for 24 days, while sperm stored in extenders containing calcium chloride or magnesium chloride remained motile for only 14 and 18 days, respectively.