IConSE2017: International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), Antalya, Türkiye, 26 - 29 Ekim 2017, cilt.8, ss.103-106
Differential item functioning (DIF) indicates existence of items in a test on which different groups of examinees perform differentially. The groups in DIF analyses are typically designated based on their manifest characteristics such as gender and ethnicity. Previous research showed that, examinees of a manifest group may not be homogeneous on the dimension that is actually causing DIF. That is, the manifest groups have a weak relationship with the latent groups that explicit true differential performance on items. In this study, DIF items on the basis of gender were identified for PISA 2012 mathematics data from Turkish subsample. Then, latent groups in the subsample were estimated in order to detect the true groups that perform differentially.