ICAENS 2022: 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, Konya, Turkey, 10 - 13 March 2022, pp.273
Catch composition and fishing efficiency of handlines used in
Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) fishing in the
South Eastern Black Sea
In this study, the catch composition and catching efficiency of traditional handlines with various
hook sizes used in Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) fishing were investigated in
the South Eastern Black Sea between May 2020 and April 2021. Fishing operations were carried out
monthly along Trabzon and Rize coastline at depths ranging from 1 to 40 m by using hand lines comprising
of 4, 5, 6 and 7 number of J shaped hook sizes. A total of 5198 specimens belonging to 8 different fish
species (Trachurus mediterraneus, Merlangius merlangus, Alosa immaculata, Pomatomus saltatrix,
Trachinus draco, Engraulis encrasicolus, Mullus barbatus and Spicara smaris) were caught during the
study. The target species Trachurus mediterraneus dominated the total catch with 4853 (93.4%)
individuals. The fishing efficiency increased with decreasing hook sizes. The fishing efficiency per hook
size in total catch were 35.1% (N=1826) for 7 number of hook, then followed by the number 6 (26.3%,
N=1367), number 5 (22.1%, N=1148) and number 4 (16.5%, N=857). The catch rates of 4, 5, 6 and 7
number hook sizes under the minimum landing size (13 cm) for the target species Mediterranean horse
mackerel were determined as 32.1%, 43.9%, 74.3% and 92.9%, respectively. According to results of the
present study, it is recommended to use 4 and 5 number of hook sizes in handlines for targeting the
Mediterranean horse mackerel to reduce fishing pressure on Mediterranean horse mackerel stocks and to
ensure the sustainability of these stocks in the Black Sea.