Atıf İçin Kopyala
Aydın M. Z., Süfer Ö., Baktemur G., Shimira F., Taşkın H.
TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, cilt.9, sa.6, ss.1037-1046, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
In the present study, it was aimed to determine the volatile aroma composition and antioxidant activity of Maitake mushroom grown in different substrate mixtures comparatively. Five different substrate mixtures except control were prepared. Total polyphenols and antioxidant activities were specified by Folin-Ciocalteu, FRAP and DPPH methods. Furthermore, analyzes were carried out in both dried and frozen samples. Head Space Solid Phase Micro Extraction technique combined with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was used in the analysis of volatile compounds. In the present study, yield was obtained only from S4 (oak sawdust + wheat stalk + bran at 1:1:1 ratios) and S5 (poplar sawdust + wheat stalk + bran at 1:1:1 ratios) growing mixtures. Therefore, the studies have been continued by comparing only these two mixtures. While the yield in S4 mixture was 55.02 g 1 kg bag-1, it was determined as 124.82 g 1 kg bag-1 in S5 mixture. DPPH analysis results of frozen and dried samples were 7.99±0.08 and 8.19±0.05 µmol TE g-1 DM (S4) and 8.07±0.09 and 8.20±0.06 µmol TE g DM-1 (S5) respectively. In volatile aroma profile analysis, 22 and 32 compounds were detected in S4 and S5, respectively. Ketones were the most found compound groups and its ratio was 68.67% in S4 and 52.37% in S5. The highest percentage among ketones was obtained from 4-nonanone and 3-octanone compounds.