II. Uluslararası Coğrafya Eğitimi Kongresi, Sivas, Türkiye, 14 - 17 Ekim 2021, ss.386
TÜBİTAK supports a wide variety of activities in order to develop scientific thinking skills in
individuals and to spread the project-based working culture. One of these supports is the 2237-A
Scientific Education Activities Support Program. Within the scope of this program, support is given to
the organization of theoretical/applied scientific training activities (courses and seminars) to be held in
the country (including those to be held online). With this program, which can be summarized as
scientific education activities (courses and seminars) to be organized in order to encourage associate,
undergraduate and graduate students and researchers to work in their fields, to direct their studies and
to contribute to their scientific development, within the scope of protocols to be made with public
institutions and organizations, secondary or high school students Activities for the training of teachers
who will contribute to the project competition and Olympic programs are also supported. Within the
scope of the purpose and scope summarized above, the opinions of the prospective teachers about the
4-day process online activity attended by prospective teachers from different universities were
received. This study, which was carried out in order to get the opinions of the participant teacher
candidates about the activity titled 2209-A University Students Domestic Research Projects Training
for Undergraduate Program Students in Social Studies, and to make healthier plans for online
activities that can be done from now on, was designed as a case study based on a qualitative approach.
2209-A The participants of the event both received theoretical training on the process of conducting
and managing scientific research during a total of 4 days, and prepared a project proposal on the
subject areas of social studies under the guidance of expert faculty members working as a scientific
board member / consultant. and it is aimed to present these prepared proposals as a project application
to the next first TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Domestic Research Projects Support Program.
On the other hand, the general objectives can be summarized as follows: To encourage prospective
teachers to pursue a scientific career, to direct them to scientific inquiry and research, to inform them
about ethical issues in scientific studies, to plan, implement and conduct a scientific study. In addition,
it is to internalize the consultancy service provided to them and to enable them to gain knowledge and
experience to reflect on the work they will do with their own students in the coming years. The general
content of the event is as follows: Science and Research (Nature and Philosophy of Science), Project
Management, Access to Information, Project Approach in Social Studies, Ethics in Science,
Communication and Activities, Evaluation of Scientific Data (Statistics), Presentation Techniques and
Poster Preparation, Reporting of Research. . The universities that the participants selected by paying
attention to variables such as success level, being in different universities, and gender are as follows:
Adıyaman University, Akdeniz University, Ankara University, Artvin Çoruh University, Balıkesir
University, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Dokuz Eylül University, Eskişehir Osmangazi
University. , Gazi University Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University,
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Trabzon University, Yıldız Technical University. A semistructured form consisting of 6 questions was used as a data collection tool. The data obtained are in
the analysis phase, and the findings and recommendations will be presented later.
Keywords: Tübitak, Scientific Activity, Social Studies, Social Studies Teacher Candidates, Opinion