Turkbilmat, Antalya, Turkey, 28 - 31 October 2021, pp.334-335
For years, researchers/educators seeking a solution to students finding mathematics difficult, unpleasant and boring tried to
develop different methods and techniques. Teaching mathematics with games is one of these methods. Features of games such as
strategy development, thinking, decision making, problem solving, reasoning, obeying rules and reaching conclusions are related to
mathematics. Games that support the development of mathematical power and thinking have brought a new dynamism to educational
activities. Students should not be deprived of playing games in mathematics lessons. Teachers should prepare games for their own
lessons. Teachers need to gain experience in preparing games, applying them and managing this process. Based on this thought; the
purpose of this study; To determine the mathematical game preparation competencies of teacher candidates. In this context, the design
of the research is “case study”. 39 second, third and fourth grade teacher candidates who attended the elective course "teaching
mathematics with games" participated in the research. The research was carried out in the spring term of the 2020-2021 academic
year. First of all, game preparation information was given to the teacher candidates. Then, the teacher candidates were asked to prepare
a game. These games were evaluated by the researchers according to the game evaluation criteria. These criteria; 1) intelligibility, 2)
fun, 3) Supporting Physical/Cognitive/Social Development,4) Inclusiveness, 5) Creativity, 6) Usability, 7) Security, 8) Developability. The
teacher candidates were successful in preparing and applying the game. Secondary school students should also have a course like
teaching mathematics with games. Teachers should take the necessary seminars for this course and be motivated