INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, vol.10, no.1, pp.34-48, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between internet addiction, relationship satisfaction, and Gestalt contact styles among university students. A sample from a university in Turkey was recruited, which included 373 university students (271 females, 72.7%), aged 15-55. We administered and assessed the Gestalt Contact Disturbances Scale, Young’s Internet Addiction Test, and the Relationship Assessment Scale. The relations were explored using Pearson’s correlation and path analysis. Results indicated that contact, dependent contact, final contact, and full contact has significantly effect relationship satisfaction. Also, contact, full contact, relationship satisfaction has significantly effect internet addiction. Dependent contact and final contact has no significant effect on internet addiction. The results provided a perspective on expanding the literature of Gestalt therapy and internet addiction. We have provided some suggestions for Gestalt therapists and counselors.