He was born in Çayeli district of Rize in 1964. Graduated from Çayeli High School in 1978 and Business Management Program at Ataturk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty at 1984.
in 1988, he started working at the General Directorate of Tea Enterprises (ÇAYKUR). After Officer, Chief and Expert positions he was appointed as Branch Manager at this institution in 2007. He left ÇAYKUR in February 2011 to transfer to Rize University.
Completed his master and doctorate in Public Administration Institute for Turkey and the Middle East (TODAIE). He started to work as a faculty member at Rize University (currently Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University) in 2011, became an associate professor in the field of public administration in 2015 and a professor in 2020.
He has researches on public administration science discipline, tea industry and university-city interaction.
- aliriza.sakli@erdogan.edu.tr
- Web Page
- https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=nSEMCOoAAAAJ&hl=tr
- Office
- İİBF & Hukuk Fak. Binası 2.Kat Oda No: 208
- Address
- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Zihni Derin Yerleşkesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler/Hukuk Fakültesi Binası K. 2 No. 208 Fener Mahallesi RİZE