Supported Projects
2020 - 2020 Küre bakır madeni çimentolu macun dolgusunun cüruf, uçucu kül ve kum ikameli optimizasyonu / Optimization of Kure copper mine cemented paste backfill with slag, fly ash and sand replacement
Project Supported by Other Official Institutions
Yılmaz E. (Executive), Karasu S., Sarı M., Güner N. U., Kasap T.
2009 - 2010 Study of physical and hydro-geochemical behaviour of mine tailings in surface paste disposal form using two different field cells
2009 - 2010 Mechanical properties of cemented paste backfill: characterization of intrinsic and extrinsic factors of influence
2009 - 2010 Study of saturated hydraulic conductivity and compressibility characterization of early age cemented paste backfill
2009 - 2010 Optimization of cemented paste backfills in terms of cement reduction and cost savings
2009 - 2009 Study of strength and microstructural properties of consolidated paste backfills
2008 - 2009 Geotechnical properties of consolidated paste backfill recipes
2008 - 2008 How efficiently the volume of wastes produced from mining operations can be reduced without causing any significant environmental impact
2007 - 2008 Instrumentation and modification of CUAPS consolidation cells to characterize the hydromechanical properties of cemented paste backfill
Industrial Organizations of Other Countries Supported Project
2007 - 2008 Study of strength and ultrasonic properties of cemented paste backfill samples
2005 - 2008 Macun dolgu dayanımı üzerinde etkili olan faktörlerin laboratuvar ortamında detaylı olarak analizi ve irdelenmesi
Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
Kesimal A.(Executive), Deveci H., Alp İ., Erçıkdı B., Yılmaz E.
2005 - 2008 Çevresel açıdan zararlı sülfürlü maden atıklarının macun dolgu olarak yeraltına depolanması ve macun dolgunun fiziksel, kimyasal, mineralojik özeliklerinin ve duraylılığının kısa ve uzun dönemde incelenmesi
CB Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı (Kalkınma Bakanlığı) Projesi
2007 - 2007 Laboratory investigation of consolidated cemented pastefill samples prepared using mine tailings
2006 - 2007 Hydrogeotechnical properties of paste backfill samples through slump testing and index properties
2006 - 2007 Investigation of compaction properties of paste backfill samples at early curing ages
2005 - 2007 Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesindeki açık ocaklarda yapılan üretim patlatmalarından kaynaklanan sarsıntı parametrelerinin ölçümü ve çevresel açıdan değerlendirilmesi
Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
Kesimal A.(Executive), Cihangir F., Erçıkdı B., Yılmaz E., Durmuş O.
2006 - 2006 Optimisation of the time-dependent slump characteristics of paste backfill samples
2005 - 2006 Laboratory and in situ study of consolidation of paste backfills during curing times
2005 - 2005 Prefeasibility study for the paste backfill plant of a Canadian underground metallic mine
2005 - 2005 Study of pre-feasibility of paste backfill plant of an underground hard rock gold mine
2004 - 2005 Laboratory investigation of cemented paste backfill samples made up of mill tailings from Garpenberg sulphide mine (Boliden Mineral AB), Sweden
Industrial Organizations of Other Countries Supported Project
Benzaazoua M.(Executive), Yılmaz E., Belem T., Bussiere B., Bordeleau H.
2004 - 2004 Trabzon İli, Araklı İlçesi, Taşönü Köyü hudutlarında bulunan kalker taşocağının üretiminde patlatmadan kaynaklanan titreşim ölçüm sonuçları ve değerlendirilmesi
Project Supported by Other Official Institutions
2002 - 2004 Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi taşocağı ve kırmataş madenciliğinin detaylı incelenmesi ve alınacak çevresel önlemler
Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions
Kesimal A.(Executive), Kaya R., Erçıkdı B.(Executive), Yılmaz E.
2002 - 2002 Optimization of test results obtained from different size slumps with varying cement contents for Cayeli Mine’s clastic and spec ore tailings
Project Supported by Other Official Institutions